Jan Borna
snow falls on horses hauling wood / beyond the opaque windows, / our seats shake over the tracks / and you touch my knee
Christopher Crawford’s work has appeared in Plume, Rattle, The Collagist, Puerto del Sol, The Rumpus Online, Now Culture, The Cortland Review, and elsewhere. His poems have been nominated for Pushcart and Best of the Net awards. He’s a founding editor of B O D Y.
snow falls on horses hauling wood / beyond the opaque windows, / our seats shake over the tracks / and you touch my knee
We’ve been lucky enough to publish many, many brilliant, original, and moving pieces — and there are several amongst them that could easily be included within this list. But these pieces here, these are five that, for whatever reasons, have stayed with me.
Ray Bradbury is one of the most famous writers of the 20th century. Read about why his short story, “The Pedestrian”, is still so important today.
_______________________________________________________________________ All this October B O D Y will be publishing British and Irish poetry. We begin with an interview with poet Jack
Siste Viator by Sarah Manguso Four Way Books, 2006 63 pages Sarah Manguso’s second book of poetry, Siste Viator, is a book which
Mezzanines By Matthew Olzmann Alice James Books, 2013 58 pages A common complaint against contemporary English-language poetry is that it imposes barriers
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