Jan Zikmund studied English and American studies at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Since 2018 he has worked for the Czech Literary Centre where he is primarily responsible for the promotion of Czech literature in English-speaking countries. As part of this job, he initiated, for instance, the 2020 Czech issue of the Modern Poetry in Translation magazine and organised the presentation of Czech comics at the 2021 Lakes International Comic Art Festival. His reviews and essays have been published widely in Czech literary magazines. He is currently on the jury for the Magnesia Litera Award for Poetry.

Essays, Picks & Interviews in B O D Y

Paul Hostovsky: Pitching for the Apostates | Book Review

Hostovsky’s fondness for words and keen ear for spoken language benefit his writing: he can record and create dialogue in a brilliant and natural way. In this respect, he has more in common with short-story writers than with most contemporary poets, who tend to avoid direct speech.

Favorites from the Last 10 Years, Selected by Jan Zikmund

B O D Y, through its ties with translators, has always given space to intriguing voices from the past. When selecting my favourites on the occasion of the magazine’s ten-year anniversary, it seemed fitting to highlight three deceased poets – a Hungarian, Czech, and Russian – that deserve more attention.

Central European Short Story Issue

Short stories by Ádám Bodor, Anna Bolavá, Zoran Ferić, Richard Pupala, Dušan Mitana, and Pavla Horáková. A review of Uršula Kovalyk’s The Night Circus by Michael Stein and a review of the story collection And My Head Exploded by Kirsten Lodge.

Karel Šebek

to stare for too long into the empty china cups of your eyes / is more dangerous than a scorpion’s caress / but you are my sister and the flag of your bra signals incest and night

Yuri Kazarnovsky

It races, / carrying eleven meetings, / a lady’s purse, / a separation’s grief, / seven briefcases, / eight belated greetings, / and a beetle / on a jacket’s sleeve.